Thursday, February 26, 2009


This isn't a normal thing around here...she just started dragging (or schlepping) him around one night. It was particularly funny to me because this happened the same day my friend Nina posted a video of her little girl pulling her baby sister in a laundry basket. It's great because these two definitely find ways to entertain each other!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I know that to most of you, snow is NOT an exciting thing. 3 years ago I felt the same way. In fact, I was itching to get away from it. This has been our first real snow since living here in southern Arizona. There was only about 2 inches but school was canceled, which made me laugh! We think it is so beautiful here because it is out of place.

The kids and Roy and I had a great time playing in it for about half an hour. Then we went inside to warm up and by afternoon it was all gone. That's one of the many things we love about it here. And believe me...we would not be the least bit disappointed to only have one snow day every 2 1/2 years!!

PS Our 'big' snow was on the 10th, and every day since has been at least 60 degrees! Tomorrow we're supposed to hit 72...woohoo!!

Monday, February 16, 2009


Morgan has discovered how to blow raspberries on her brothers tummy, and she makes some pretty impressive sounds. The first time she did it they were both laughing hysterically. By the time I caught it on video of course it wasn't as funny to either of them, but it was still cute.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Mauz Holiday

My sister Mauz was in a rollover car accident in December and she hurt her shoulder. She hasn't been able to work since then and her hubby decided that she should come visit us since she had so much time on her hands. We got a week of Mauz at the end of January and loved every minute of it, especially the kids!! While we didn't do anything particularly grand, we just enjoyed being together.