Thursday, December 4, 2008

Picture Slapdash

This post is just a slew of pictures over the past few weeks. We haven't had too many exciting events lately, so I thought I would just share a few of the best pictures we've taken. I'm a person of few words, but I really like taking pictures!

Morgan posing as we get ready to head out to our first of two Thanksgiving dinners in Mesa.
Grandma Flory and the 2 granddaughters. Oh, and can't forget Barbar.
What to say about Uncle Joseph...Roy just loves him.

Being at a new house wouldn't be complete without the kids exploring. Morgan heads straight for the stairs of the bunk bed. Roy Boy to the thing with wheels. Typical.Both kids zonked in the car on the way home from Mesa, and stayed that way even after we got them out of their carseats. It wasn't even 6 pm. But we weren't lucky enough to have it last all night!

Next on the agenda was putting up the Christmas tree. Morgan was a really big 'help'.The real fun, of course, came from the empty Christmas tree box.
Roy's 1st experience with an Oreo was a success.The kids loved posing for Grammy Dallof as I took pictures of them with the special blankets she made for them with material from my Grandpa Green's mission to Tahiti in 1958.



Your kids are always so happy and smiley! It's good to hear your Thanksgiving went well. I love the pic of Roy Boy zonked out by Roy!